Organizations around the globe are discovering the transforming impact of this model that views a leader’s work as more about serving and empowering others rather than being served.

John Stahl-Wert

Serving Leader Cohort Testimonies

“We have all attended firehose presentations that didn’t lead to actual change.  Serving Leader Cohorts provide excellent teaching with critical time provided to focus on specific changes which we were required to put into practice during the month. This enabled me to implement new leadership practices that produced encouragement, support, and growth within CMC’s staff and pastors.”

Brian Hershberger, CMC

“Defining the core values that I lead from has been so helpful for me and our organization. This exercise alone has smoothed the way for so many more beneficial outcomes in our work environment. But it goes beyond defining. John was helpful personally in navigating the implementation and communication of these core values. I don’t think I could have implemented well without guidance.”

Jeremy Miller, Rosedale Bible College

“Because of attending the Serving Leader cohort, I have learned to respect and cherish my God-given personality strengths. Prior to the course, I felt detached as if I were floating aimlessly in our family business. I saw how these unique giftings were the secret sauce to our family business. Thank you CSL team for helping me learn to love myself and have a purpose in the family business again.”

Jaina Shirk, Shirk Brothers Roofing

“I’m personally grateful for John Stahl-Wert’s Serving Leader training. It has made a lasting, positive impact on ProVia, and many other leaders and businesses in our community.”

Bill Mullet, ProVia

“When a friend asks me about the value of being part of the Serving Leader program, I tell them to just sign up, that it is worth every penny and has paid me dividends year after year.”

Ernie Hershberger, Homestead Furniture, Dutch Design, and Abner Henry

“It gave me tools to make our businesses impactful. Not only did it give me tools, give my employees a sense of purpose and feel valued but it helped me to gain a sense of purpose and clarity of why we do what we do.”

Ed Hoover

Serving Leader Online Course Testimonies

“It gave me tools to make our businesses impactful. Not only did it give me tools, give my employees a sense of purpose and feel valued but it helped me to gain a sense of purpose and clarity of why we do what we do.”

Ed Hoover

“Thank you for encouraging me to be a part of this.”

“When a friend asks me about the value of being part of the Serving Leader program, I tell them to just sign up, that it is worth every penny and has paid me dividends year after year.”

Ernie Hershberger, Homestead Furniture, Dutch Design, and Abner Henry

“I’m personally grateful for John Stahl-Wert’s Serving Leader training. It has made a lasting, positive impact on ProVia, and many other leaders and businesses in our community.”

Bill Mullet, ProVia

“Because of attending the Serving Leader cohort, I have learned to respect and cherish my God-given personality strengths. Prior to the course, I felt detached as if I were floating aimlessly in our family business. I saw how these unique giftings were the secret sauce to our family business. Thank you CSL team for helping me learn to love myself and have a purpose in the family business again.”

Jaina Shirk, Shirk Brothers Roofing

“This course is a means of better understanding how to live out your most important values and goals while being a better and more caring and dedicated leader.”

“An experience you should give a try. You won’t regret it!”